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Wire cutting of wire drawing die

2021-7-5 15:10:48heat:Keyword:

Drawing die before cutting to a line, the template has been cold, hot working, has produced a greater internal residual stress, the residual stress is a relatively balanced force system, while removing large amounts of scrap cutting line, the balance with the stress was Released to destruction. Therefore, during the online cutting of the template, with the effect of the original internal stress and the processing thermal stress generated by the spark discharge, non-directional and irregular deformation will occur, which will cause the subsequent cutting to have uneven thickness and affect Improve the processing quality and processing accuracy. In view of this situation, the template with relatively high precision requirements is usually cut 4 times. The first cutting cuts off all the waste material of the hole. After removing the waste material, the automatic shift function of the machine tool can complete the second, third, and fourth cutting. a cut the first time, take the waste → b cut the first time, take the waste → c cut the first time, take the waste →……→n cut the first time, take the waste → a cut the second time → b cut the second time →……→n-cut 2nd time→a-cut 3rd time→……→n-cut 3rd time→a-cut 4th time→……→n-cut 4th time, processing is completed. This cutting method can make each hole have enough time to release the internal stress after processing, and can minimize the mutual influence and micro deformation of each hole due to the different processing sequence, and better ensure the processing size of the template Accuracy. However, the processing time is too long, the number of threading is large, and the workload is large, which increases the manufacturing cost of the template. In addition, the machine tool itself will also produce creep with the extension of processing time and temperature fluctuations. Therefore, according to actual measurement and comparison, if the processing accuracy of the template allows, the first unified processing can be used to take the waste material unchanged, and the subsequent 2, 3, and 4 times can be cut together (that is, a cutting the second After the first time, do not shift, do not split the wire, and then cut the 3rd and 4th times→b→c……→n), or save the 4th cutting and do 3 cuttings. After cutting, the shape and position are basically in line with the requirements after measurement. This not only improves production efficiency, but also reduces labor, and therefore also reduces the manufacturing cost of the template.

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