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Wire drawing die introduction

2020-10-15 14:56:05heat:Keyword:Wire drawing die introduction
Wire drawing die,introduction

In metal pressure processing, the metal is forced through the die under the action of external force, the cross-sectional area of the metal is compressed, and the tool to obtain the required cross-sectional area shape and size is called a wire drawing die. The wire drawing die is a very important and consumable die for various metal wire manufacturers (such as wire and cable factories, steel wire factories, welding rod and wire factories, etc.) to draw wires. The application range of the wire drawing die is very wide, mainly used for drawing straight and difficult to add objects such as bars, wires, wires, pipes, etc. It is suitable for drawing processing of metal and alloy materials such as steel, copper, tungsten, and molybdenum. Because the cost of wire drawing dies accounts for more than 1/2 of the wire drawing cost, how to reduce the cost of wire drawing dies and increase their service life is an urgent problem for metal wire production units to solve.

In order to improve production competitiveness, the foreign metal product industry is paying more and more attention to the quality of the drawing die and the improvement of the manufacturing process. Starting from the improvement of the life of the drawing die, the material, structure, manufacturing process, manufacturing equipment and inspection equipment of the drawing die are carried out. Through systematic research, the development of composite drawing dies, new materials for drawing dies, new surface coating technology, new pass design methods for drawing dies, etc. have promoted the development of wire drawing production in the world. my country is a major wire rod producer, and its output ranks among the top in the world. my country's wire drawing die manufacturing industry has developed rapidly since the 1980s. With the continuous improvement of wire drawing die manufacturing and the continuous improvement of production technology, my country’s wire drawing die manufacturing technology has advanced development, especially in the material, Great progress has been made in terms of structure, but in general there is still a big gap with foreign countries. Although the types of wire drawing dies produced abroad are similar to those in China, the materials and processes used are more advanced, and the processing accuracy, durability, and wear resistance of the wire drawing dies are better than those of our country. Therefore, strengthening the management of mold making, improving the quality level of drawing dies, and promoting the progress of mold making technology are important issues facing the mold making industry.

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