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Wear resistance of drawing die

2020-8-28 15:40:43heat:Keyword:Wear resistance drawing die
Wear resistance,drawing die

As a drawing die, when it is used, it will often show various aspects of performance, but there is one aspect of performance that it cannot lack, that is, when it is used, it must have good wear resistance , We also know that for this kind of mold, when it is working, it often has to work on metal materials, and metals have high hardness.

    When a material increases in hardness, it will naturally increase its friction when it is used, and if the wire drawing die does not meet the requirements for its wear resistance, it will let it When in use, it directly affects its service life. Now there are some drawing dies that cannot reach a longer service life when they are in use. In this case, it naturally affects the user's use.

    Therefore, the manufacturers of wire drawing dies must have better technical solutions in this wear resistance. In this regard, the diamond type can be liked by many users, in fact, because it is in use. , Has better abrasion resistance, because it is wear-resistant, so when the user uses it, it can achieve a great increase in the service life, and it will also make it truly reach the user’s performance in terms of performance. Claim.

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