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Wire drawing die processing process

2020-8-27 15:15:32heat:Keyword:Wire drawing die processing process
Wire drawing die,processing,process

Wire drawing die processing process: clean impurities--->remove oxide layer--->repair the edges with low power--->fill in--->polishing

  1) Before repairing the oxide mold, the nitride layer must be removed with a power tool, and the repair material must be directly welded to the steel substrate, otherwise there will be an oxide layer between the repair material and the substrate, which is easy to peel off.

2) Try to use low power and thin materials to repair the edge part, which can reduce and reduce the edge marks caused by the repair heat.

7. After the repair point is polished, there are light protrusions on the outer ring. The reason is that the heat generated during the repair hardens the workpiece. The material with good quenching characteristics is especially obvious. The edge part is repaired with low power and thin materials to avoid this phenomenon (method (Refer to oxidation mold repair).

   8. After repairing and polishing the concave, the reason is that the hardness of the supplement is lower than that of the base material. It can be avoided by choosing the supplement material with a hardness similar to that of the base material.

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