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Small knowledge of special-shaped drawing die

2020-8-21 15:50:34heat:Keyword:Small knowledge special-shaped drawing die
Small,knowledge,special-shaped,drawing die

Summary of small knowledge of special-shaped drawing die

When talking about special-shaped drawing dies, you may not have studied it, and may not be interested in it. For such a more professional concept, we should start with understanding the calcium milk. The so-called wire drawing die usually refers to those tools for drawing metal wires, and its center may be composed of various special shapes.

When the metal is pulled through the die hole, the size must be reduced, and the shape will be changed. This is what we urgently expect. And it has good viscosity control in the production process, and also has good mechanical control, which is widely used in many ways.

And the samples made by this kind of production process are a kind of products that we are looking forward to. They flow fast and have a wide temperature range. Generally, they will be made into various shapes by themselves under temperature control. This is what we The best mold fully needed in industrial applications.

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