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The core of the drawing die achieves better wear resistance

2020-8-6 22:47:32heat:Keyword:core drawing die achieves better wear resistance
core,drawing die,achieves,better,wear,resistance

For the drawing die, its most important quality core department is its die core. Only when it meets the requirements in this respect, will it achieve good performance when it is in use, and at the same time it is also on the service life. It truly meets the user's requirements, so when this kind of core is used, what kind of performance must it achieve to be qualified?

    First of all, we must make the core of the drawing die achieve better wear resistance. Nowadays, when many molds are in use, it does not have a longer service life. In fact, it is because it does not meet the requirements of wear resistance on the core. In addition to this aspect, it is necessary to achieve better impact resistance when it is used. In the entire drawing process, the impact is always present, so its impact resistance is also the performance that you must achieve. which performed.

    Of course, its performance in polishing must also be able to show. The wire drawing die is applied to the production of wire drawing, and it also needs to make the entire wire have a polished performance, so when it is working, it must also be satisfied with polishing. And for this kind of core material, it must be easy to repair when it is in use. When it is in use, there will often be a certain amount of damage, and after it is damaged, it can be easily repaired. The most critical.

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