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What is the failure form of wire drawing die

2020-5-29 18:03:20heat:Keyword:failure form wire drawing die
failure,form,wire drawing die

Wire drawing die damage, or die damage accumulated to a certain extent leads to die damage, can not continue to serve, called die failure.

Failure mode of wire drawing die:

After installation and debugging, the drawing die can produce qualified workpieces normally. This process is called the service of the die. In general, we always hope that the mold can have a long enough service life to meet the actual needs of production.

     Wire drawing die damage, or die damage accumulated to a certain extent leads to die damage, can not continue to serve, called die failure. In production, when the main working parts of the mold are damaged and the qualified workpiece cannot be stamped out, the mold is considered to be invalid.

     The failure of the wire drawing die can be roughly divided into two categories according to the time of occurrence: normal failure and early failure.

After a lot of production and use, the wire drawing die naturally wears due to friction or slowly produces plastic deformation and fatigue cracks. Failure to reach normal service life is a normal phenomenon and is a normal failure.

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