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Wire and cable mold equipment describes the three major causes of cable problems

Wire,cable mold equipment describes,three major causes,cable problems

Wire and cable mold equipment describes the three major causes of cable problems

It is said that the onset of a job is inextricably linked. If the cable is faulty, then it must have a certain cause. The wire and cable mold equipment describes the three major causes of the cable fault.

1. Insulation is damp. For example, if the cable joint is not manufactured properly and the joint is made under humid climatic conditions, the joint will be filled with water or mixed with water vapor. It will form a water branch under the electric field effect for a long time, which will gradually damage the insulation strength of the cable and cause a problem.

2. External damage. For example: when the cable laying device is not standard construction, it is simple to constitute mechanical damage; it is also easy to damage the cable during operation by conducting civil construction on the direct buried cable. Sometimes if the damage is not severe, it will take several months or even a few years to cause the damage to completely break down, which may cause serious damage to the short-circuit problem, which directly affects the safe production of the electricity unit.

3. Chemical corrosion. The cable is directly buried in the acid-base effect area, which tends to cause the cable armor, lead or outer sheath to be corroded. The protective layer is subject to chemical corrosion or electrolytic corrosion for a long time, causing the protective layer to fail and the insulation to drop. Causes cable problems. The corrosion of the unit's cable is quite severe.

After the above introduction, do you think that the original cable will be faulty, which is caused by the small details that we usually do not pay attention to, so we still pay attention to the details in the process of application.

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