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How to repair the wire drawing die?

2002-11-29 19:29:30heat:Keyword:Diamond drawing dies,Wires Diamond drawing
Diamond drawing dies,Wires Diamond drawing

According to statistics, in China, only the mechanical processing industry's mold consumption is up to five times the total machine tool price. It can be seen that the large consumption of the mold not only directly increases the production cost, but also causes a large number of production lines to be frequently stopped due to frequent replacement of the mold, thereby causing greater economic loss. The mold repair technology undoubtedly strengthens the life of the wire drawing die, and has good economic benefits. It can apply various metal material molds such as iron-based alloys and surface strengthening and repair of the workpiece and greatly improve the service life.

What we need to pay attention to here is that although the machine will give an alarm when the operation is wrong, it may occasionally burn out the pit on the surface of the mold! Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the specific steps of the repair of the drawing mold:

1. Cleaning: Clean up and remove oil and impurities in the place where it needs to be repaired. Otherwise, there will be poor power supply and spark splash during the repair process.

2. Rolling rate: The rotation speed of the welding torch is closely arranged with the pulse output current to form a fusion point on the additive. The rotation speed should not be too fast, otherwise there will be a small amount of replenishment and fine pores after repair and polishing.

3, the contact point between the welding torch and the mold: the smaller the contact area between the welding torch and the supplementary material, the better the pressure is applied. The higher the current density passed through the moment (the more concentrated the current), the greater the heat of the solder joint, and the greater the degree of replenishment. it is good. The power data shown in the replenishing shell is the power requirement when the φ5mm standard welding torch electrode rod is in contact with the plane replenishing material. The larger the contact area of the same power horn, the current dispersion, the effect after replenishment is not ideal, and the contact area is too small, repairing In the process, it is easy to cause the melt to melt and splash and the surface is uneven.

4. Posture and pressure: When repairing, the welding gun and the mold surface are 45 degrees, and a certain pressure is applied to the welding gun. The pressure is determined according to the roughness of the defect surface, which is not smooth, and the surface of the surface is more difficult.

5, complex cavity: fine, multi-angle, complex surface repair with precision power, thin material repair is better, the conventional state is suitable for the repair of a large amount of defects.

6, oxidized surface repair:

Process: Clean up impurities---> Remove oxide layer--->Edge with low power repair--->fill--->polishing

1) Before the repair of the oxidation mold, the nitride layer should be removed by electric tools, and the filler should be directly welded to the steel substrate. Otherwise, the oxide layer is separated from the substrate and easily peeled off.

2) Repair the edge part with low power and thin material as much as possible to reduce and reduce edge marks caused by repairing heat.

7. After the repair point is polished, the outer ring has light protrusions. The reason is that the heat generated during the repair is hardened to harden the workpiece. The material with good quenching characteristics is especially obvious, and the edge part is repaired with small power, which can avoid this phenomenon. Refer to the oxidation mold repair).

8, after repairing and polishing the concave, the reason is that the filler is harder than the substrate, the hardness is similar to the substrate and the filler can be avoided.

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