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The purpose of the drawing die is to reduce the size of the drawn material

2021-12-16 20:30:39heat:Keyword:purpose drawing die reduce size drawn material
purpose,drawing die,reduce,size,drawn,material


According to the material of the drawing die: diamond drawing die (divided into natural diamonds and artificial diamonds, artificially also called polycrystalline drawing die), generally used to draw small-size wires, cables and steel wires; carbide drawing die (with YG3, YG6, YG8, YG10 and many other brands), mainly for drawing large-scale steel, copper, aluminum, and other products.

According to the drawn materials and products, it can be divided into: ordinary drawing die, aluminum-clad steel drawing die, prestressed steel wire drawing die, steel wire drawing die, steel cord drawing die, welding wire drawing die, welding rod drawing die, wire drawing Mode etc.


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