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The service life of wire drawing dies during wire drawing

2021-12-8 16:19:22heat:Keyword:service life wire drawing dies during wire drawing
service,life,wire drawing dies,during,wire,drawing

The life of the drawn wire is 1/3 shorter than that of the drawn iron wire. In short, a high-quality mold should be processed by good technicians. The mold itself should have high density and good toughness, a good compression ratio, reasonable sizing, high surface finish of the mold, and a good coat. At the same time, observe the mold frequently to show if Light ring wear should be worn off with boron carbide and then polished to extend the life.
The service life of the polycrystalline wire drawing die during wire drawing.
It can’t be calculated by how many tons. It depends on how many days or months it has been. The polycrystalline wire drawing die is divided into several materials, the life of the drawn wire is different, and the price is also different. You need to choose the right model to avoid causing damage. Waste. ----The service life of cemented carbide drawing dies also depends on repairing and changing the number. For example, if the 1.0 drawing die is too large, you can change it to 1.3 or other sizes. If you change it several times, it is not 1 , 2 tons of things, that is dozens or hundreds of tons.

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