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How to care for the entrance cone of the drawing die

2021-11-22 10:08:42heat:Keyword:

Many people may not know that the wire drawing die is a very important industrial tool

Drawing die, drawing die! Its main function is to stretch and make various metal wires, which effectively improves work efficiency and factory production efficiency! In the mold of the drawing die, its core is the most important part! Its hardness is the greatest, and the most important part of the mold core is the entrance cone! Because the entrance cone of the drawing die is the part where the metal and material are introduced! Therefore, its accuracy requirements are very high! Therefore, maintaining the entrance cone of the drawing die is one of the most important components in the daily maintenance of the drawing die!


      When the metal enters the entrance cone of the drawing die, the metal wire must be kept straight. If this requirement is not met, its entrance cone will be very easy to tilt, which will cause irregularities in the polished wire. This will greatly affect the quality of the product! And when the wire is introduced, the lubricating cone must be aligned with the material and the wire, so that the metal wire can be fully lubricated, and the wear of the core of the wire drawing die can be effectively reduced! Moreover, the lubricating surface must be polished! At the same time, always pay attention to control the amount of lubricant added! If the lubricant is almost used up, it must be added in time! The working core of the wire drawing die cannot be disturbed by external forces when it is working. Once it is interfered by external forces, it will be very easy to deform and shift the wire drawing die! This will easily affect the quality of the products it produces and there are very big shortcomings! Finally, the diameter is adjusted according to the needs of the wire. The adjustment is very simple. The diameter of the finished wire can be set as long as it is processed by the computer!


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