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Use of reasonable installation of wire drawing die equipment

2020-1-3 11:24:35heat:Keyword:Use reasonable installation wire drawing die equipment
Use,reasonable,installation,wire drawing die,equipment

As the saying goes, it ’s natural to say that the friends who do wire drawing production love the industry naturally. When it comes to machinery and equipment, I believe that friends are also very cherished. Today I will share the use and maintenance of wire drawing molds Let's take care of our wire drawing equipment together.

(1) The installation foundation of the wire drawing machine must be very stable to avoid vibration;

(2) During installation, the tensile axis of the wire rod should be symmetrical with the center line of the die hole through debugging to make the stress of the wire rod and the wire rod die uniform;

(3) Avoid frequent starting and stopping during the drawing process, because the friction caused by the tensile stress during drawing is much greater than the friction during normal drawing, which will inevitably increase the wear of the mold.

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