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Maintenance and repair of wire drawing dies

2019-12-29 10:34:26heat:Keyword:Maintenance repair wire drawing dies
Maintenance,repair,wire drawing dies

The effective maintenance and repair of the drawing die is very important to reduce the drawing cost.

Due to the vibration of the wire, the first contact area of the wire in the drawing die compression zone first produced a slight annular wear, and then continued to expand to the sizing area, resulting in a serious decline in the performance of the wire and an increase in wire size. Not only that, severe wear will cause the mold to produce transverse cracks (mainly in the drawing of soft wires) or longitudinal cracks mainly in the drawing of hard wires, resulting in premature scrap of the mold.

Brushed maintenance

Therefore, according to the type of wire drawing material and the characteristics of the wire drawing machine, scientifically formulate the wire drawing die maintenance specifications. Under normal circumstances, minor ring wear needs to be polished to resume use, or slightly enlarged diameter can also meet the drawing requirements. Excessive wear will greatly reduce the number of mold repairs and even scrap, which will increase the cost of drawing.

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