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Wire Drawing Die failure form

2019-12-26 10:41:57heat:Keyword:Wire Drawing Die failure form
Wire Drawing Die,failure form

After the drawing die is installed and debugged, qualified workpieces can be produced normally. This process is called the service of the die. In general, we always hope that the mold can have a long enough service life to meet the actual needs of production.

However, some defects may occur during the manufacturing process of the mold, or some defects gradually appear during the service process, such as micro-cracks, mild wear, deformation, etc. In this situation, the mold can continue to work despite hidden dangers This state of being defective but not losing serviceability is called mold damage.

The wire drawing mold is damaged for some reason, or the mold damage accumulates to a certain extent, causing the mold to be damaged and unable to continue service, which is called the failure of the mold. In production, if the main working part of the mold is damaged and the qualified workpiece cannot be punched out, the mold is considered to have failed. The failure forms of stamping dies are generally plastic deformation, wear, fracture or cracking, metal fatigue and corrosion, and so on.

The failure of wire drawing molds can be roughly divided into two categories according to the time of occurrence: normal failure and early failure.

After a large number of production and use of wire drawing molds, natural wear or slow plastic deformation and fatigue cracks occur due to friction. Failure after reaching the normal service life is a normal phenomenon and is a normal failure. The mold does not reach the prescribed period for design and use, which causes early failure such as chipping, chipping, breaking, etc .; or it is unable to continue service due to severe local wear and plastic deformation, which is an early failure. For the early failure of the mold, you must find the cause of it, and strive to take remedial measures.

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