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polycrystalline diamond wire drawing die processing method

polycrystalfine diamond wire drawing,diamond wire,diamond wire drawing

2.1 Mechanical grinding method

Conventional wire drawing die processing methods include grinding methods and special processing methods. The main working principle of the grinding method is to use the mechanical transmission device to drive the movement of the grinding tool, and then grind the mold to achieve the processing purpose of the drawing die. However, considering the ultra-high hardness of the polycrystalline diamond, the traditional mechanical grinding method is not Suitable for the processing and manufacturing of polycrystalline diamond wire drawing dies.

2.2 Special processing method

At present, the processing of polycrystalline diamond wire drawing dies is mostly carried out by special punching. Special processing methods include electric sparking, ultrasonic, laser, and electrolysis. Special processing uses electric power, ultrasonic waves and laser to realize the processing of polycrystalline diamond wire drawing dies. This processing method requires relatively low hardness for processing tools, and does not require a large external force on the processed materials. Moreover, the processing of special processing methods The accuracy is higher than the mechanical grinding method. Therefore, the special processing method has been widely used in the processing and manufacturing of polycrystalline diamond wire drawing dies, which improves the processing precision and service life of the wire drawing dies.

Special processing method for 3 polycrystalline diamond drawing die

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