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Domestic and foreign mold market and industry analysis

2001-8-29 18:43:02heat:Keyword:Diamond drawing dies,Wires Diamond drawing
Diamond drawing dies,Wires Diamond drawing

The world's major polycrystalline mold producers include Japan, South Korea and the mainland in Asia, and the United States and Europe in the Americas. This article will introduce the industrial appearance of each country and compare the differences in competitiveness between countries and China. Where.

    First, the industrial appearance of countries

    Among the major mold producing and selling countries in the world, the number of mainland molds and the number of employees is the largest, nearly 70% are state-owned enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises also account for the majority. The number of large-scale mold factory employees is about 600-700, and there are more than 1,000 companies. The number of employees of Foxconn Group invested by Hon Hai is nearly 6,000, the medium-sized mold factory is between 150 and 300, the small mold factory is at least 50, and the mold industry in other countries is more. It operates in the form of small and medium-sized enterprises.

    In terms of product categories, in 2002, Japan and the mainland focused on the production of stamping dies and plastic molds. The combined output value of the two was as high as 80%. South Korea accounted for the largest proportion of other molds, accounting for 47% of the total output value. In terms of the application market, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Germany use automotive molds as the largest product, while China uses electronic communication products as the main mold.

    According to the situation of countries in 2002, the molds of Japan, South Korea and Germany are strong/quasi-excellent. The molds of the mainland and the United States are large due to the domestic demand market, and the domestic manufacturers cannot supply them completely. The manufacture of products in the market is therefore strong/accessible. From the analysis of major import and export countries in 2002, it has great relevance to geographical distribution. The import and export areas are mostly neighboring countries, while Japan is more unusual in that the export areas are mainly in the United States, but with the downstream industries in China in recent years. Rapid development has gradually turned to the trend of expanding the mainland market.

  Second, analysis of advantages and disadvantages of countries

    Advanced technology countries such as Japan, the United States, Germany, etc., have a leading position in the development of high-precision and composite molds, both in terms of design capabilities and manufacturing technology, as well as well-trained technical R&D talents. Among them, Japanese mold manufacturers pay more attention to the polishing and grinding process, while German mold manufacturers start by improving the precision and efficiency of machining and electrical discharge machining to reduce the time of manual processing. In terms of market size, the Japanese recession is most evident regardless of output value or domestic demand. In terms of operating costs, it often faces the problem of high wages and high welfare. Therefore, downstream industries or mold makers are gradually moving their production bases to neighboring emerging industrial countries or technologically advanced countries to reduce labor costs and enhance price competitiveness. However, such trends It often leads to doubts about the invisible outflow of technology, which makes it necessary to invest a large amount of research and development expenses to accelerate the improvement of processing technology and high-speed mechanical performance, and to widen the differences between them.

    In terms of Taiwan, South Korea and China, China is technically lagging behind Japan and Germany, but it is still better than South Korea and mainland China, and is also far ahead in terms of production speed, but the market production and demand in South Korea and mainland China in recent years. The scale shows a growth trend. In particular, the mold industry in mainland China is developing rapidly. The well-known large factories in various countries are stationed in production equipment, which invisibly enhances the mold development strength and design capability. In terms of cost, China and South Korea have relatively low labor cost advantages. Therefore, for the price of molds, they often use low-cost marketing to enter the market. Therefore, in the situation of poor global economy, they have successfully won the favor of market buyers. The most obvious example is the rise in export value.

    In terms of national wages, according to the results of the US International Trade Administration's 2002 White Paper on the Mould Industry, the highest hourly wage in Germany, the hourly salary for technicians is $12.13~$19.28, the designer is $16.91~$25.26, and Japan and the United States are in the middle. The mainland has the lowest wages. The annual salary of technicians is only $732~$5,853, and the designer is only $2,927~$5,853. If compared with Germany on the basis of the highest annual salary, only about 38 days can be hired by German technicians. The gap between the low wage costs in mainland China is so great.

 Invisibly improve mold development strength and design capabilities. In terms of cost, China and South Korea have relatively low labor cost advantages. Therefore, for the price of molds, they often use low-cost marketing to enter the market. Therefore, in the situation of poor global economy, they have successfully won the favor of market buyers. The most obvious example is the rise in export value.

    Third, the conclusion

    On the whole, because the mold makers of various countries are mostly operating in the form of small and medium-sized enterprises, they often encounter difficulties in the financing of working capital. If there is no government policy support and tax incentives, the polycrystalline mold makers will form a single and independent army. The situation of fighting, let alone the competition with the international market. Except for the mainland and South Korea, all countries are under pressure from high labor costs. Therefore, only by increasing the added value of products can we get rid of the low-cost competitive pressure.

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