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Products Categories

  • laser cut PDC cutter

    laser cut PDC cutter

    laser cut PDC cutter...
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  • 1308 Flat PDC Cutter-

    1308 Flat PDC Cutter-

    The product adopts a non-planar appearance structure, which can alleviate the impact of the composite sheet during the drilling process, effectively reduce the wear of the composite sheet, improve the service life of the drill bit, and is suitable for drilling in complex and variable rock formations......
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  • 1304 round PDC cutter

    1304 round PDC cutter

    The product adopts a non-planar appearance structure, which can alleviate the impact of the composite sheet during the drilling process, effectively reduce the wear of the composite sheet, improve the service life of the drill bit, and is suitable for drilling in complex and variable rock formations......
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  • 1304 Flat PDC Cutter-

    1304 Flat PDC Cutter-

    The product adopts a non-planar appearance structure, which can alleviate the impact of the composite sheet during the drilling process, effectively reduce the wear of the composite sheet, improve the service life of the drill bit, and is suitable for drilling in complex and variable rock formations......
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  • 0.380 CD(Cobalt Based)Diamond Wire Drawing Die

    0.380 CD(Cobalt Based)Diamond Wire Drawing Die

    0.380 CD(Cobalt Based)Diamond Wire Drawing Die...
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  • 0.350 CD(Cobalt Based)Diamond Wire Drawing Die

    0.350 CD(Cobalt Based)Diamond Wire Drawing Die

    0.350 CD(Cobalt Based)Diamond Wire Drawing Die...
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